Adventures in Philippi V.B.S.

Join us for our Multi-Language Vacation Bible School

We have a unique VBS this year. Children will learn Acts chapter 16 verses 12-40 by heart and in their heart language, whether English, Portuguese, or Spanish. The theme of the VBS is the narrative of Paul in the city of Philippi.

Children will experience Philippi by donning costumes and entering into the marketplace where they will make real mosaic stepping stones, paint pottery crafts, create foil prints in the metal shop, and more. Daily dramas will re-tell the scripture narratives as children interact with the biblical characters.

Join us for this great experience. For kids ages 4 to 13.

July 25 –29 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dailyvbs collage

Multi-Language Vacation Bible School

English, Spanish, Portuguese
Adventures in Philippi is our own VBS. Join us from 6:00 to 8:30 each night for a multi-language Vacation Bible School that will bring your children into the experience of the city of Philippi and teach Acts chapter 16 in a very special way.

Special crafts, small group Bible studies, language games, skits, and worship are all a part of the experience. The gospel will be clearly presented and children will come away being able to tell most of Acts 16 by heart!

Aventuras en la Ciudad de Filipos es nuestra propia actividad de EBV. Unase a nosotros cada noche de 6:00 a 8:30 pm para una Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones multicultural que llevará a sus niños a una experiencia a la ciudad de Filipos y les enseñará el capítulo 16 del Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles en una forma muy especial.

Parte de la experiencia son las manualidades especiales, estudios bíblicos en pequeños grupos, juegos de idiomas, parodias y adoración. El evangelio será claramente presentado y los niños serán capaces de contar casi toda la histora de Hechos 16 de memoria. En Inglés, Portugués y Español.

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