Bro Steve’s Bulletin Insert #5

Dear Stevendale Baptist Church,

Next Sunday we finally arrive. It's been a long time coming. Thank you for being so patient. We have been very busy these last days, as you can imagine.

Friday was Nilson's last day of school. His class threw a party for him and said their good-byes. Loaise also completed her last day of work and was given a special gift by her employees. We all stood holding hands and prayed and thanked God for our relationships and for what Jesus has done in our lives. Everyone cried. Loaise is deeply loved there.

Today is our send off Sunday in Brazil.

Our church is having a special service for us and it will be the last time we see many of our Christian friends and spiritual children for a long time. A decade of work and ministry together is hard to walk away from.
We do it because we know that our heavenly Father has called us and sent us to serve with you at Stevendale Baptist Church. How excited we are for what God has in store. We look forward to our first Sunday with you next week.

Pastor Installation Service Next Sunday at 5:00pm 


As I understand it, Bro Tommy Middleton and Bro Collin Wimberly will be preaching next Sunday night at our installation service. Bro John Parker will lead the music and worship. I am looking forward to this special time of mutual commitment and preparation for ministry together. May God do a mighty work.

See you soon.
In Him.

Bro Stephen M Young II

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